WOW... I really suck at this, Jared is currently in Fort Eustice VA for the summer taking the Armament course and with him gone I am a very busy woman! Work is going good, Windows are picking up, and we are starting a new granite division (Half Price Granite) so i'm super busy at work, The kids are GETTING BIG as ever, Ashtyn is in the middle of dance competition season, she has one more to go at Lagoon on June 12... Attley loves her dance class and tumbling she asks me daily if she has dance school that night... Witten is in the crawling stage, he currently does the army crawl, its cute as ever and if he is sitting up he can get onto all fours and rock, he has figured out how to pull himself up so when ever he can get close to an object I have to worry about him falling over, its hilarious!
In the next couple of weeks I am taking the kids boating at lake powell with grandma and papa so watch for some fun pictures, I will try to update this at least once a week to keep all you out-of-towners posted, sorry i suck so bad at this!
Bloody Hell!!
9 years ago