There was a Huge mishap at the firework show, we saw it clearly (as we watched from the roof of the durango) not Quite sure what went wrong but 4-5 fireworks blew up on the ground, one shot into a crowded parking lot where some folks were sitting apparently 7 people were injured but they were all minor injuries!! Thank goodness!
On Saturday, we went down to Grayton Beach, FL which is a tiny secluded community the Bown's showed us a month or so again and we spent our Independence day lying on the gulf of Mexico, picnic on the beach, body surfing and relaxing!!!
Jared had brought a little body board and ashtyn learned how to use it and also how to body surf without the board, she had a blast and we couldnt keep her out of the water. Attley doesnt care much for salt water and the waves but LOVES the sand she usually spends her time playing on the beach with mommy, I am not sure what she was doing but at one point in time she used her head as a kickstand and was playing with the sand while in a half headstand, it was VERY interesting, I took pix to document her unique balance!
All in all it was a great holiday weekend on Saturday night we all snuggled into a bed and watched the HUGE firework display in New York on TV... the girls were too pooped to do much more!!!