Saturday, April 11, 2009

First of the Easter pix

Here is the first of the Easter pix, Brandy these are primarily for you and JJ, I had no idea you followed.... There will be more pix to follow tomorrow, The easter bunny is sending the girls on a clue scavenger hunt all thru the house to find their baskets, and we are doing a big easter dinner at the Bown's (thanks ang!)
The first pix are coloring eggs on friday night:

This is a picture of the Cute Bunny speed racers i made for the kids at teh bbq/egg hunt at the lake:

AND.... On saturday we met a couple families at lake Tholocco here on post (about 5 min drive) for a bbq and egg hunt, we were there about 4.5 hours, the girls loved it!!!!!
And to my family, no making fun of the baby, i am finally "showing" at just before 18 weeks, so i made it 4.5 months without poking out too much!

And the hunt begins... there were 90 eggs between the 3 girls, was SOO Much fun, I could barely keep up with Attley, yes again, look at my big belly i didnt realize was so big until i looked at these pix!

and going thru their loot...

AND THEN they went back to the lake to swim....

More to follow after the morning madness and the dinner.....


Colleen said...

How fun. Those bunny speed racers are so cute. You're quite the Martha Stewart these days, you're so creative just like your mom. I love seeing pictures of the family. Miss you all and look forward to your visit out here soon!

Tiffany said...

Love all the pictures - too bad we could stay for the egg hunt. He was SO tired I don't think we could have managed it! It was good to meet you all and we'll have to do it again sometime cause we had a blast!